The fisheries in Sri Lanka is important in many aspects. Being a coastal island most of the coastal communities are depending on fishing for their livelihoods. 70/. SL population depend on fish resources for their protein supply. It is more labor intensive and more depend on local markets for their productions. We export only 6/. of fish products hence it shows the contribution of local people for their food security.
"Sri Lankan delegation endorse the VGSSF. Howewer these Guidelines should not be limited to document. The contents of the document should be aggresively implemented nationally, regionally and internationally." Dr. Rajitha Senarathne, minister of fisheries emphasised at his presentation.
This is very important statement many of the international instruments are lying on the shelves with dust with out implementation. It is voluntary in nature and no binding and hence no obligation to implement what so ever besides moral and ethical binding to keep their word as they express in international fora.
This is very important statement many of the international instruments are lying on the shelves with dust with out implementation. It is voluntary in nature and no binding and hence no obligation to implement what so ever besides moral and ethical binding to keep their word as they express in international fora.
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